What is Social Media?

Social Media is a group of services that facilitate communication and sharing . These services enhance your online visibility , strengthen your relationships with your customers and expand word of mouth advertising - which is the best type !

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Importance Of Keywords

Your customers enter search terms or phrases into search engine query boxes, websites or social media search bars to locate information they seek . The trick to online success is to identify the most popular search terms that your customers are likely to use.

For visibility on a search term , your site or social media profiles need to appear within the top 10 positions on the first page of search results for that specific term . It has been said that only researchers and obsessive compulsive's are likely to search beyond the first page. It is important to remember that everyone's brain is wired differently leading to different choices of words and different ways of organizing information.

Try to come up with a list of at least 40 search terms that can be used among different pages of your website and or social media profiles. You will have to continuously juggle these terms to see which ones provide the best results .

Here are some tips for building your list of keywords:

  • Ask your customers , friends , employees or co-workers for ideas
  • Include the names of your products or services
  • Incorporate all industry specific terms and jargon
  • Incorporate your local in terms - Calgary Bakery or Calgary Plumbing
  • Go to Google and start entering search terms, then click related seaches option to see other phrases users have tried 
  • Look at your analytic results and see which phrases people are already using to find you
  • Consider using a keyword search tool like Google keyword tool or Word Pot 
  • Check your competitors search terms - 
    • Visit Competitors Web page 
    • Right click to view source code
    • Keywords they use are usually listed near the top of the source code

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