What is Social Media?

Social Media is a group of services that facilitate communication and sharing . These services enhance your online visibility , strengthen your relationships with your customers and expand word of mouth advertising - which is the best type !

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Social Media and Search Engine Optimization

No matter how important Social Media is ,Search Engine Optimization must be a part of your strategy for a successful web presence. The goal of Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) is to get various components of your online presence to appear near the top of search engine results- preferably in the top 10 .

You can accomplish this by selecting keywords , optimizing your content and by structuring your web page or profiles so that they are search friendly for your selected search terms . Thankfully you can optimize your Social Media profiles and blogs very much the same way you optimize a webpage.


  • Optimize your website and all your Social Media for the same search terms

  • Use Social pages to grab a good position for some rare search terms that your website doesn't use. 

  • Put your standard search terms on Social Media profiles and the more rare ones on individual posts or as photo captions or updates . 

  • Ignore those spam emails about submitting your site to 2,000 different search engines, and concentrate on the top three (Google , Yahoo and Bing )

SEO Started Guide @ https://static.googleusercontent.com/external_content/untrusted_dlcp/www.google.com/en//webmasters/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf

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