What is Social Media?

Social Media is a group of services that facilitate communication and sharing . These services enhance your online visibility , strengthen your relationships with your customers and expand word of mouth advertising - which is the best type !

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Why should my business use Social Media ?

Social Media Services in Calgary
"Social Media for Calgary Small Business"

Social Media has many benefits. One of the most appealing is that you don't have to pay for most social media services. However , most of these services do require a significant investment of time to initiate and maintain. Following is a list of Social Media Benefits:
  1. Large Audience - In 2012 Facebook claimed almost 800 million active users, half of which logged in on any given day.
  2. Brand Awareness-Social Media creates recognition , visibility or top of mind awareness . You want people to remember your company when they are in need of your service. 
  3. Build Relationships- New relationships lead to direct sales or word of web recommendation leading to new sales opportunities
  4. Improved Business- Allows you to obtain customer feedback and input on products and promotly detect or correct problems or complaints
  5. Search Engine Optimization - Search Engines like Google recognizes appearances on Social Media sites which can improve the page rank of your website 
  6. Saving $$-Although time is money , if you are a start up small business chances are you cannot afford many other traditional marketing.

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