What is Social Media?

Social Media is a group of services that facilitate communication and sharing . These services enhance your online visibility , strengthen your relationships with your customers and expand word of mouth advertising - which is the best type !

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Making Time for Social Media

After you have created your Social Media Marketing plan , the next biggest task you have is implementing and managing it . One of the hardest things about Social Media is finding the time for it . Most small business who cannot afford to hire help will have to cut out of time already allocated to other marking activities, unless of course they want to add an additional 2 hours to their workday.

As we all know , if something doesn't seem important enough it usually never gets done . Social Media can easily be swallowed up by your day to day operations but you must learn to set aside time and utilize the following tips to ensure you stay on track .
  1. Set a time frame for your Social Media Marketing and stick to it - Social Media can become addictive and might find it difficult to avoid the temptation of continually logging in. Stick to this time frame for a month and adjust as you see fit. It is important to remember that Social Media is only a part of your online marketing effort and online marketing should only be a part of your overall marketing.
  2. Set a specific time slot each day to your Social Media Marketing . The time slot you choose usually doesn't matter unless you are offering a time dependent services. Otherwise you can utilize Social Media scheduling programs which we will talk about later . 
  3. Utilize a calendar software like Google Calendar or spreadsheet to schedule tasks and keep you on track 
  4. Using a Social Media Dashboard like Hoot Suite allows you to put various functions at your finger tips as it provides easy access in one location to all your social media accounts tolls and metrics. 
Call and ask about Social Admin's affordable Marketing services Today @ 403-890-8142. We offer competitively priced personalized Social Media Marketing Services for Calgary Small Business.

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